We are back again with another Show & Tell event. This time Doug Truppe, created a lively face-to-face presentation of his award-winning photographers and directors to VML in New York City this week.
It was enjoyable to meet in person, to chat and pitch ideas. We thank the art production team of Kaia Hemming, Suzanna Shields, and Patty Widyn for this terrific opportunity and for taking time out from their busy schedules to meet with us for our fun “Show and Tell.” Next stop? Let us know when, where and we’ll be there. And bring your appetite! Follow us to see where we go next.
Our Show & Tell Roster: Francesco Bittichesu, Andy Goodwin, Jim Hughes, Tom Hussey, Jared Leeds, Scott Montgomery, Tadd Myers, Claudio Napolitano, Peter Rodger.
VM Art Producers (l to r) Suzanna Shields, Doug Truppe, Patty Widyn and Kaia Hemming review portfolios
VML Art Producer Suzanna Shields reviews portfolios at Doug Truppe Show & Tell event.