Welcome, my name is Doug Truppe, and I am an artist representative for commercial photographers and directors in the global market. Our mission is to empower, elevate and foster a sense of community for those employed in the advertising industry. Focusing on mental health, our hope is to provide a forum and backdrop to discuss and share the challenges our industry is facing in a fast paced ever changing global economy. Concentrating on one’s well-being with the expertise of a mental health practitioner, Gabriel Most LCSW, RN, come join us as we explore and discuss managing mental health in the advertising industry. Ultimately, we are here to provide helpful resources and offer a friendly voice in challenging times.
Lost your job…Now what?!
Please join us as we address various issues and mental health challenges on a weekly basis creating a forum for communication and solutions with experts in advertising and mental health. In this week’s topic, “Lost your job... Now what?!” Doug Truppe,and Gabriel Most, LCSW RN explore what happens when we lose our job and go from a schedule with a paycheck and benefits to an aimless focus, no income, and no health coverage.
Losing a job is a loss. It is a death of sorts. The more invested we’ve become in our career, the deeper the feelings of loss, fear, anger and confusion we experience when fired. Is this job loss the end of a career or the beginning of a new one? How we perceive and experience unemployment sets the tone for how we pivot in a volatile changing market.
Come join me and Gabriel Most, LCSW, RN as we explore these challenges and find solutions to the ever-changing market.
The following is a list of things one can do to manage job loss and land on your feet ready for your next chapter:
1. Assess Your Financial Resources
-How much do you have in savings?
-How much do you owe in debt?
-Reassess your lifestyle? What can you live without and what is vital? (Maintaining your health coverage Vs. buying Grande Latte’s - Trim the excess spending to buy yourself financial peace of mind.)
-Apply for unemployment if applicable.
2. Prepare for Your Job Search
-Update your resume. Is your skill set up to date and reflective of the dream job you seek? If not, hone up on those skills.
-Ensure that you are looking for employment using platforms like AI which can give you a competitive edge. Tools like “Jobscan” can compare your resume with listed jobs to ensure the “keywords” match.
-Check the actual websites for the companies you might want to work for. They might have actual job listings available or at the very least provide information on the work culture environment and the types of skill sets they are looking for.
3. Network, Network, Network
-Let everyone who you know that you have lost your job. Now is not the time to be shy or feel ashamed about being out of work.
-Ensure that all your social media platforms showcase that you are looking for a new job.
4. Things to Consider
-How do you manage any shame, sadness, and anxiety around job loss?
-Are you procrastinating?
-Job loss can create a sense of shame and loss of identity. This can sometimes lead to bad habits like excessive drinking, withdrawing socially, reckless online shopping or online adult content.
-Stay mindful and remain focused on using your job loss as an opportunity to reinvent yourself.
-Put all your talents to use, ones you may not have gone to school for. Don’t limit yourself or let others limit you. Your personal history can lead to new kinds of work and skill sets. Like languages, public speaking, or standup comedy.
What are your thoughts and feeling about this process? We’d love to hear from you. Share your story. Come join us as we explore the changes in advertising due to AI, and other technologies in managing the changing landscape. Together we can create a community of empowerment.
“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck -Ph.D.
Gabriel Most LCSW, RN, www.gmosttherapy.com
Contact me to share your stories: hello@dougtruppe.com